Excerpt of the June 16th protest of Councilmember Margaret Chin's Business Improvement District at Jing Fong Restaurant on Elizabeth Street where Chin was the honoree.
The Chinatown Partnership LDC held their annual fundraiser where property owners, residents and business owners made sure the attendees understood that Chinatown does not approve of Chin or her B.I.D. Campaigning in Chinatown will be a challenge for Chin as she will be branded as the Councilmember who advocated for raising taxes to clean the streets while promoting herself.
There is no doubt that small businesses and ultimately affordable housing will suffer in Chinatown as a result of the Business Improvement District PERMANENTLY raising taxes during this time of recession.
Judging by how the pro-BID people have handled their campaign, outright lying about a huge proportion of property owners in favor of the BID, the money from the BID will be lied about and mishandled as well. These BID people cannot be trusted!!!
Margaret Chin has conducted herself more as totally biased gentrified politician with no regard for hearing opposition to the Business Improvement District. The Community Board meetings and hearings I attended were disgraceful examples of ramrodding the BID issue, totally political and NOT in favor of small businesses and ultimately affordable housing in Chinatown.
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