PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO about the great work Hamilton Madison House does and why it is such a vital part of New York City, especially for those in the two bridges community downtown.
Here's your invitation, you can print this by clicking the printer icon at the bottom of the image:
Donations and reservations here, you can print this by clicking the printer icon at the bottom of the image:
I’ve been on the board of Hamilton Madison House for over three years now and I am constantly amazed at the work that the “House” does every day. I learned about Hamilton Madison House through my mother June who has been a board member for over three decades. June now enjoys Emeritus status on the Board and I can only hope to add as much to the House as she has over these many years.
June Lee was instrumental in founding the Chinatown Banquet Fund raiser for Hamilton Madison House thirty three years ago. The HMH Chinatown banquet is not only an evening full of culinary delights, it’s a celebration of the hard work that the House does every day in providing
· 300 men and women E.S.L. , and citizenship classes each week.
· 4,500 people with case management, wellness and counseling services at the Chinatown Resource Center
· 1000 children and adults with bilingual clinical services, including gambling addiction
· 6500 seniors with care at the City Hall Senior Center, Helen Harris Center, knickerbocker Village,Smith NORC, and Southbridge Towers
· Social Adult Day where HMH provides the only program of its kind in the City for Chinese speaking seniors with Alzheimer’s disease.
· Caregivers that provide services and support to Chinese and Korean speaking families caring for an elderly family member.
· 300 Children and teens with after school, Summer Day Camp, Saturday WISE, Music school, Tween and Teen programs
· and to help every child we care for develop their self-esteem while acquiring the skills to succeed in school and at home
and much much more.
I hope you will join me at the 33rd Hamilton Madison House Annual Chinatown Banquet and help us raise necessary funds to keep our programs going at a time when our community needs us the most.
I believe very deeply in the “House” and from my experience I can see my dollars and my time benefitting a great number of people in need in the most immediate sense.
Hamilton Madison House - "Never turn away".
Thank you
Jan Lee, Board of Directors HMH