Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bill Thompson rally at City Hall - One Year anniversary of the hijacking of democracy in NYC

FRiday Oct. 16th 2009 marks the anniversary of the removal of term limits.

 This video is from the website.
Jan Lee of the Civic Center Residents Coalition spoke at the rally:
 Bill Thompson, today is the anniversary of the hijacking of democracy

It was an honor to stand with the democratic Mayoral Candidate Bill Thompson today at his rally to mark the anniversary of the day Michael Bloomberg hijacked democracy from the people of New York. Fire fighters and council members, residents and business owners stood strong in the frigid weather today chanting "RESPECT TERM LIMITS" and "EIGHT IS ENOUGH".

"When billionaire bosses "bend the rules" or ignore them completely for their own personal gains in the private sector we blow the whistle on them.  We won't stand for it in the private sector, why should we stand for it in the public sector? When a billionaire boss gets away with it by going around the rules once, they do it again and again. The proof is that virtually every fortune 500 company has been in court for doing exactly that. Where does it stop?  The practice needs to stop now, and we're speaking out on Nov. 3 to do just that". - Jan LeeThe Civic Center Residents Coalition

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