Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NY State DMV Changing MV-104 reports to include bike on pedestrian incidents

We just heard this great news from pedestrian safety advocate Nancy Gruskin.

Hi Everyone:

Great News!  CBS-TV's Tony Aiello will be reporting on TODAY'S  news at 5:30pm (Wed. Oct. 20th)  that the State DMV will be changing their MV-104 reports as of April 2011 to include the data collection of bike on pedestrian incidents.  This change came as a direct result of the "Bike Bedlam" series where we were able to prove that there were no accurate stats of bike on pedestrian stats in New York City.  This represents a major step forward for pedestrian safety and the goals of the Foundation!!  We are still trying to work on short-term data collection as the results won't be public for at least 2 years, but this is wonderful news for the long term...

1 comment:

ajlounyinjurylaw said...

These refined stats will help with pedestrian safety.